"What would you wear if you were in New York Fashion Week?" an email I received from Teen Vogue asked. So I gave it some thoughts, and decided to go with grey. Head to toe grey sounds dull, but the sequin works its magic and highlights the outfit. When I'm wearing an oversized sweatshirt, I like to pair it with something slim or feminine. For example, a pair of jeans and pencil skirt both go well with it. I finished the outfit with a pair of sunglasses and a clutch, which are two of my fashion week essentials. 

What about you? What's your NYFW outfit?

如果能去參加紐約時裝周, 你會做什麼打扮呢? 在我收到Teen Vogue的email之後, 我很認真的思考了這個問題, 然後決定要以灰色出擊! 但是從頭到腳都灰嘛嘛的聽起來似乎很無趣。因此, 下半身我選擇了佈滿亮片的銀灰鉛筆裙。同色系不同材質的搭配帶出了兩件單品的優點。貼身的鉛筆裙也巧妙地增添了整體的纖細感。我喜歡以纖瘦緊身或是極度女性化的單品來搭配oversize的上衣, 像是緊身牛仔褲或是鉛筆裙都是不錯的選擇。最後, 再加上時裝周必備的墨鏡以及手拿包, 我的NYFW穿搭就完成啦!

你呢? 你會選擇什麼樣的穿搭出席這場時尚饗宴呢?

Thanks for reading :')

Full of Love,

Photographer: myk


Shirt, Sweatshirt, and Heels all by DRESS CODE TW
Skirt by Nastygal
Sunglasses by TOM FORD
Ring Set by H&M