I had a little adventure today and took this photo shoot in a new neighborhood. At first my boyfriend and I were only looking for place with less people, so it won't be as awkward when we take pictures. Then we discovered these delicate and elegant houses, which reminded me of the house in Gone With The Wind. The movie was one of my childhood favorites. I was and still am fascinated by those bright green eyes of Scarlett O'Hara.

I rarely purchase red and coral clothes because it's easy to overdo those colors. However, I can't resist the cut for this skirt. The striped t-shirt tones down the bright color and makes it casual. The necklace and heels finish the look with a more feminine touch. If you prefer a casual look, then a pair of sneakers or slip on will do.

What do you guys think of the outfit? Like or dislike?

有別於平常一片大草原的拍攝背景, 我跟我男友跑到了新的地方探索取景。一開始我們只是想找個杳無人煙的街道, 這樣才不必面對照相時有人盯著我們看的窘境。不過卻幸運的發現了有著很多典雅精緻房子的小社區。讓我想起了亂世佳人裡的那棟漂亮宅邸, 還有郝思佳那雙碧綠的眼睛。

我很少入手大紅色系的單品, 這樣的亮色系很難駕馭也很容易就顯得浮誇。但是這條裙子的剪裁實在是讓我無法抗拒, 紗質的布料讓裙身非常立體, 整體澎度恰恰好! 當初完全不顧平常上課根本穿不到這樣的裙子, 抱持著"就算掛在衣櫥裡看了也開心"的心態立馬帶走。為了不要看起來太過正式和花俏, 選擇了簡單的橫條紋t-shirt來搭配。高跟鞋和珍珠項鍊則是添上了一筆柔美。如果想要隨性一點, 可以選擇以便鞋或是球鞋搭配。

你們覺得這個搭配如何呢? 還喜歡嗎?

Thanks for reading :')

Full of Love,

Photographer: myk


T-Shirt and Skirt both by DRESS CODE TW
Heels by ZARA