I started working out everyday for two weeks. It's a hard thing to do, but I hope that I can turn it into part of my lifestyle.  It feels good to move the body and get the negative emotions out. And plus, my skin is getting better too!! 

One advices: find something that you like to do and have passion for. Personally, I don't like running, but I love group fitness classes, such as yoga, bodyjam, and bodycombat. I try out every classes I am interested in and keep going to the ones I love. I don't limit myself to one kind of workout, because I get bored with that easily. I go to different classes everyday, and I always push myself to the max when I exercise. However, start off slow. If you pushed yourself too hard, it's more likely for you to give up soon.

Also, I have been busy with moving these days. It's exciting to have my own space. Do you guys want to take a look at my new apartment once I moved in? 

從兩個禮拜前, 我開始每天積極的運動。說真的, 要每天上健身房真的不是件容易的事情, 也很容易在最後一刻犯懶。但是我試著把運動當成生活的一部份,  而不是某個待辦事項。這樣下來, 真的比較可以持續的做運動。讓身體動起來除了健康之外, 真的可以幫助抒發負面情緒, 讓身心維持在一個正面健康的狀態。而且我有發現我的膚況也隨著變好了! 

給大家個小建議: 找到一個你喜歡而且有熱情做下去的運動。我就很不喜歡跑步, 但是很熱愛各式的健身課程, 像是瑜伽, 有氧搏擊和有氧舞蹈。我把每個有興趣的課程都上過一遍之後, 再去選擇我喜歡的課程持續進行。我也不會只限制自己上一種課程, 因為我很快就會覺得膩了, 多種不同的課程換著上, 也會多點新鮮感! 不管你選擇什麼運動, 在運動的時候一定要盡自己最大的努力, 把自己逼到極限。雖然過程很累, 但是結束的時候會覺得很有快感呢! 但還是建議新手慢慢來, 把自己逼太緊到後來反而會很難持續, 這樣可就本末倒置了哦!

這幾天我忙著搬家。一想到可以有自己的小空間就很開心, 最近也看了很多室內設計的圖片, 想要好好裝飾一番。大家會有興趣看看我的新公寓嗎?

Thank you for reading :) 

Full of Love,



Dress by Parker
Necklace by ZARA
Sneakers by Superga