We all know the necessary of the little black dress and little white dress. Now, how about a little pink dress? As pastel colors become more popular, I am very fond of pink color these days. I used to hate pink colors, thinking that it's way too girly. But now I really appreciate the beauty of it. A little pink can brighten your skin tone and bring out the femininity and elegance in a girl. Get yourself a little pink dress and make your summer blushed!

經典的小黑裙和白洋裝想必是每個女孩衣櫃裡的必備單品。不過, 這個炎炎夏天, 來點新鮮的粉紅洋裝如何? 隨著粉嫩鉛筆色成了這幾季的大勢, 我的衣櫃裡也增添了好多不同層次的粉。現在回想起來, 小時候的我是很討厭粉紅色的, 總認為粉紅色太女孩子氣了。現在則是不管看什麼, 都很容易為那一抹粉而沈醉。粉紅色莫名的有種迷幻的優雅。選擇得當的話, 粉紅色也是很襯膚色的顏色呢! 這個夏天也跟我一起沈迷在粉粉世界裡吧!!

Thanks for reading :)

Full of Love,



Dress by ZARA
Sneakers by Superga
Sunglasses by CÉLINE