Christopher Nolan's Batman series is my favorite superhero movie. It's nice to see that a superhero has his own fragility and darkness as everyone of us. It reminds me that no one can always be tough and impeccable, not even the superheroes. It's ok to be down, what matters most is to get your feet back on the ground. The quote "The night is darkest just before the dawn" from the movie inspires me a lot. I disappeared for a long time because I am in the crossroad of my life. I am completely lost. To be honest, I thought about giving up blogging. But someone told me not to give up halfway, and reminded me how much I love fashion. Thanks to those warm supports, it's time for melodramatic to return!

Sorry for being so serious and gloomy for the first comeback post. I will show you guys a brand new melodramatic :) after all, the night is darkest just before the dawn.

Christopher Nolan的蝙蝠俠系列是我最喜愛的超級英雄電影。看到理想中應該要無堅不摧的超級英雄也有他脆弱及黑暗的一面, 也會有遭受了打擊無法再站起來的情況, 提醒了我沒有人是無堅不摧的。每個人都會面臨覺得無法再站起來的挫折, 每個人都會有需要喘口氣的時候, 重要的是如何讓自己再站起來, 繼續前行。電影裡有一句台詞一直深深打動我, "黎明來臨前的夜晚總是最黑暗的。"當彷徨的站在人生的交叉路口時, 我總是用這句話提醒自己, 天總會亮的。我消失了很長一段時間, 因為大大小小的打擊和壞消息, 讓我覺得無助覺得失敗。我也有想過要停止寫部落格了。但是有人支持我絕對不要半途而廢, 也提醒了我我有多熱愛時尚。謝謝那些在我最脆弱的時候站在我身邊支持我的人們, 那些溫暖我都會記得。

不好意思啊, 時隔已久的第一篇就如此的陰鬱。但是別擔心, 我會展現一個全新的melodramatic給大家的 :) 能繼續寫下去, 我真的很開心。

Thanks for reading :)

Full of Love,



Heels by Forever 21
Necklace by J. Crew