I have an obsession for skirts. I like the femininity that skirt brings. However, I don't like to look 100% cute or ladylike. I always like to put 40% of rebellious and masculine elements in my outfits. I wear the gown-like skirt with sharp crop top and leather jacket, to create a romantic but edgy look. A new romantic style that belongs to me.

What do you think of this new romantic look?

我對裙裝一直都有種狂熱。我熱愛裙子所帶出的女性感, 卻不喜歡100%的甜美和女人味。對我來說, 添加40%的叛逆感和帥氣度才能把整體穿搭調和的剛剛好。所以我選擇了立體版型的crop top和帥氣的皮外套, 搭上禮服般的美麗裙子,  打造浪漫卻不失摩登的穿搭。這是屬於我的新浪漫主義。


Thanks for reading :)


Photographer: myk

Crop Top, Skirt, and Leather Jacket all by DRESS CODE
Shoes by ZARA 
Necklace by J. Crew
Ring Set by H&M