I remember when I was little, my mom always dressed me in these gorgeous, puffy, princess-like dresses. As a little girl, I was very fond of Disney princesses. My daily dress-up time was my favorite time in the day. I even dreamed of to be every princess in the world one day. Now I am old enough to laugh at myself, how is being "every princess in the world" a possible option? I don't understand why the little me was so serious about this.

I discovered this playground while taking the pictures. It has been very long since I played in a playground. I used to climb up to the top of the play house and played in the sandbox with my princess dress. My mom tried to put pants on me so my dresses won't get ruined, but I would cry and refused to let the pants near me. According to my mom, my reason was, "I will not be able to become princess if I wore pants." I picked up pieces and bits of my childhood memory in this playground today. As if I was the little girl again, swung as high  as I can, regardless of if it was lady-like or a mature adult behavior. It was nice, to be a carefree kid once more.

還記得小時候, 媽媽每天都會幫我穿上好漂亮像公主般的洋裝, 讓著迷於迪士尼公主的我, 對每天的穿衣時間都興奮不已。那時候的我, 甚至許了願, 要成為全世界的公主! 現在聽起來自己也覺得可笑, 一個人要有多少個分身才能成為全世界的公主啊? 不過當時的我, 可是把這當成最嚴肅的問題來看待呢。

今天拍照的時候發現了這個遊樂場。我都已經想不起來上一次在遊樂場裡玩是多久以前的事情了。小時候, 我常常穿著我那些公主澎澎裙, 在遊樂器材上爬上爬下, 還會在沙堆裡玩鬧。我媽媽好幾次試著要幫我換上褲子, 以免我那些洋裝通通完蛋。不過據我媽媽說, 我大哭大鬧, 死活都不肯換上褲子, 因為穿褲子的話就沒辦法變成公主了。在遊樂場裡, 我追回了童年的一些點點滴滴。20多年後, 我穿著美麗的裙子, 在鞦韆上盪得好高好高, 不去在乎這樣是不是不淑女或是太幼稚。有種回到小時候的感覺, 真好。

Thanks for reading :')

Photographer: myk

Coat, Turtleneck Top, Necklace all by ZARA
Skirt by Marni x H&M
Shoes by Forever 21
Sunglasses by Tom Ford (similar here)

Gold Ring (similar here) by Boutique Shop in Taiwan