The sunset today was beautiful, painted the sky into a mix color of pale pink and purple. It was a bad decision to take pictures today because it was windy and freezing. I couldn't feel my fingers and feet after the photo shoot, but it was worth it when I saw the pictures. I really like the vibe and color of this photo shoot. I also have more facial expressions because I was jumping up and down to make myself warm. I like this kind of natural feeling.

The outfit today isn't too fancy. Just another school day outfit. However, the accessories complete the outfit. Wear your accessories smart! They can be the best supporting parts to your outfit. Don't hesitate to mix and match the statement necklace with a delicate piece, or mix your gold with some silver. The matches can surprise you!

今天這個小鄉下依然是冷吱吱的, 尤其是今天的風特別大, 吹在肌膚上好刺骨。不過今天很幸運的看到了很美的夕陽, 天空被染成淡淡的粉色和紫色, 有種說不出的浪漫啊! 雖然在這種天氣裡拍照的確是件很痛苦的事情, 不過這次出來的成果我好喜歡。照片中偏冷的色調帶著夕陽的餘暉, 而且因為天氣太冷, 我不停的跳來跳去, 也讓這次的臉部表情不再硬邦邦的。這種自然的感覺好舒服。

今天的穿搭其實有點普通, 所以我用了一些小飾品來點綴。有技巧的運用飾品, 可以為整體衣著畫龍點睛, 甚至可以變成完美的主角呢! 大家也可以試著混搭飾品。誰說金一定要配金? 華麗的款式就容不下其他的配飾? 其實金包銀一樣好看, 華麗款搭上小而美也能有不一樣的驚喜感! 

Thanks for reading :')

Photographer: myk

Coat by ZARA
Sweater, Jeans, Collar Necklace by DRESS CODE
Denim Shirt by Current Elliot
Shoes by Forever 21
Silver Ring by Madewell
Gold Ring (similar here) and Pearl Necklace (similar here) by Boutique Shops in Taiwan