As the Fashion Week closing to the end, many of you are desired for the latest collection and trend. But maybe the budget is not enough? Well, you can still pull up a trendy look with your current closet! A springy and warm look can be easily done by layering shirt with sweater! Best of all, you can have two different looks with the exact same outfit!

隨著2014時裝周接近落幕, 大家的慾望清單一定又落落長了吧! 但是荷包不夠深的女孩怎麼辦呢? 其實還是有些小撇步, 可以用現有的冬季衣櫃打造出最新潮流穿搭。我利用多層次穿搭法, 配上襯衫跟毛衣, 輕鬆就變出了這個溫暖又不失時尚的look喲! 更棒的是, 只要一個小技巧, 同一套衣服可以三秒變身另一種look! 整個非常經濟實惠呢!


One of the Pre-Fall trends is the sweater dressy style. Causal sweater or sweatshirt with lady long skirt. The skirt can be either knee-length or maxi, you can even take out your evening wear and pair it up with your favorite sweater! However, I recommend this style with dressy skirt instead of the A-Line and puffy ones, or the outfit would look bloated. 

You may not want to wear flats with this outfit. Put on one pair of lady like and gorgeous heels, it will make you look causal, elegant, and modern!

以寬鬆休閒的毛衣搭上女人味十足的長裙絕對是今年Pre-Fall的大趨勢之一。上半身可以選擇較寬鬆或是澎澎的毛衣或是sweatshirt, 下半身則以及膝或是過膝的長裙為主。裙子的選擇上可以挑比較合身的款式, 甚至可以拿出你最美麗的晚禮服或是較正式長裙來做搭配。儘量避免設計立體或是A-Line的裙子, 要不然整個人看起來會太臃腫哦! 

習慣穿平底鞋的女孩, 可以試試穿上高跟鞋來帶出修長的好比例! 這樣的穿搭休閒卻又優雅摩登, 不管是正式或是比較休閒的場合都很適合哦! 不要覺得這樣寬鬆的穿搭看起來就會顯矮或是比例不好, 其實只要挑對了鞋子跟裙子, 就可以看起來纖細又時髦!


If you desired for a sexier and more lady like look, just tuck in your top and the look is ready for you! This little tip brings a well-proportioned shape. The same outfit can have completely different look! 

如果還是不習慣寬鬆穿著的女孩, 只要簡單的把衣服紮進去就可以看起來更有女人味。高腰的裙子甚至可以讓腿的比例看起來更修長。只要一個簡單的小動作, 同樣的衣服馬上變成不一樣的風格喲!

What do you all think of my "one outfit two looks"? Let me know!
大家對我的一套服裝兩樣情有什麼意見或感想呢? 可以留言跟我分享喲!

Thank you for reading :')

Photographer: myk

Coat by ZARA
Sweatshirt by KENZO
Skirt by Club Monaco (similar style here)
Shoes by Forever 21