I am very obsessed with sparking and glitter things. They can always catch my eyes. Many people think that sequin is only for night-out purpose, but you can rock sequin in daytime, too! I wear the sequin skirt with my lilac sweater. The pale lilac and sequin balance each other out, and makes the outfit looks edgy but elegant. Try pencil sequin skirt with sweater, sweater shirt, or a lady-like blouse, you can have your own chic sequin look! 

Don't afraid to add more sparkle with the sequin. The crystal stone pearl necklace gives the outfit a more elegant touch. I really like the minimal look of these mule shoes. The fringe decoration makes it more fun and feminine. 

Isn't it nice to have a little sparkle in daytime?

一直以來都很容易被亮晶晶的事物迷惑。很多人覺得亮片類的衣飾平日穿太招搖, 除非是宴會或是party, 要不然這類型的衣物都只能在衣櫃的最深處。其實, 一點亮片的點綴能讓你的搭配變得神彩奕奕! 今天, 我選擇紫羅蘭色的毛衣搭上銀色的亮片鉛筆裙。淡淡的紫羅蘭色恰到好處的中和了耀眼的亮片, 讓整體的搭配亮眼又摩登。

女孩們可能會擔心已經有了亮片裙, 是不是就該刪減首飾? 其實一條statement necklace可以為空空的領口畫龍點睛哦! 我沒有耳洞, 但是有戴耳環習慣的女孩, 也可以搭配statement earrings, 再搭配精巧的戒指, 讓整體穿搭的細緻度更加分哦!楔型粗高跟是最近嘗試的新歡, 極簡的線條摩登極了。鞋面上裝飾的流蘇隨著步伐輕輕擺動, 讓極簡多了分有趣的女人味。

Thanks for reading :)

Photography: myk 

Sweater and Necklace by J. CREW
Skirt by NASTY GAL
Shoes by ZARA