In the past few months, Taiwan has been struggling with food safety issues. I am disappointed at the companies and the government, and I am more careful at what I eat now. According to my professor in a nutrition science course, there are many benefits for supporting local food. Also, organic food does not equal that it's grown without pesticide. It only means that the farmers use pesticide that's not harmful to the soil and the environment. I also start to cook at home more often. I feel better knowing what's inside the food I eat.

I took a visit to our local farmer's market last weekend. And I love it! The products are fresh and inexpensive. There are many handmade products to choose from. I bought some banana bread and handmade spaghetti and sauce. They might not be as delicate as restaurant food, but they sure are fresh and tasty.

You are what you eat. Eat fresh and live healthy! It's not only supporting the local farmers, but supporting yourself!

台灣這幾個月的食安風暴越來越嚴重, 大家罵聲一片之外, 也很擔心到底還有什麼食物是可以吃的? 雖然人不在台灣, 但是這次的食安問題讓我更仔細的檢視吃下肚的食品。前幾個學期拿過一堂有關營養學的課, 教授很鼓勵我們採買當地當季的食材。除了新鮮好吃之外, 當地食材不但採用簡單包裝, 短程的運送也幫助減少環境污染。還有大家覺得好的有機食品, 教授也說其實有機食品並不等於沒有使用農藥, 而是農夫會選擇對土壤和環境較少傷害的農藥。所以有機並不一定是好的。我也試著自己下廚, 知道自己吞下肚的食物裡面到底放了什麼, 總是讓我覺得比較安心。

這個週末我跑去了小鎮的農夫市集, 真的是超好逛的! 食材看起來新鮮極了, 價格也非常親民。很多販賣的人都是老爺爺或老奶奶, 都會很親切的提供試吃和解說。我買了一些手工義大利麵和醬汁, 手工糕點, 和蔬果。雖然沒有餐廳來的細緻高級, 卻因為新鮮, 嘗起來更加甜美。

人如其食, 你吃的食物會反應出你的生活環境跟健康狀況。自己多多動手, 支持當地當季食材, 不止幫助了農夫們, 也讓自己更健康喲!