I had to wear uniform in Taiwanese high school. My friends and I often complained how annoying it was to have to wear uniforms. I always tailored my uniform, the skirt had to be shorter and the pants needed to be slimmer. Then I came to the states. Although I didn't have to wear uniforms anymore, but there was dress code. I was one of the girls who always tried to hide from the deans for short skirts. But every once in a while, I reminisce my high school life. All the things that I complained about, the dorm, the food, the dress code the chapel meeting, now all have become little bits of the good memory. Sometimes, I would wish I can wear uniforms again so I don't have to think about what to wear today.

以前還在台灣唸高中的時候, 我跟幾個朋友常常覺得穿制服是件很討厭的事。那時候, 收到制服第一件事情不是試穿, 是馬上拿去改。裙子要改短, 褲子要改成AB褲 (如果是潮人, 似乎就要改成垮褲?), 襯衫下擺還要改裝鬆緊帶的。後來到了美國, 雖然不用穿制服了, 但是還是有服裝規定。我一天到晚都要躲著老師, 小心翼翼地不要因為裙子太短被抓去做禮拜六早上的勞動服務。但是, 現在的我時不時會很懷念高中的時光。以前很討厭的宿舍, 食堂, dress code, 週會等等的, 現在都成了小小的美好的回憶。甚至在煩惱著不知道要穿什麼的早上, 會很希望可以套上那有著自己小小標誌的制服, 拿著媽媽準備好的便當, 輕鬆快樂的出門去。

Thanks for reading :')

Full of Love,

Photographer: myk


Crop Top and Shirt both by DRESS CODE TW
Shoes by Alexander Wang