Although I did not do crazy shopping on Black Friday, I still got a few things that I love a lot. I've wanted to try cat-eye sunglasses for a while, but was afraid it wouldn't fit me. This pair of Dior Demoiselle has a cute and edgy cat-eye curve without making a too sharp look. Do you like my cat-eye look?

People who have been following for a while must know I have an obsession for skirts. Well, I think my skirt obsession has turned to a pencil skirt obsession. When I saw this gorgeous sequin skirt and I knew I had to bring it home. I love the airy aquamarine hue with a slight touch of grey. And if you look closer, you will see the skirt is made of two different colors, aquamarine and crystal, to create this mermaid tail look. With something sparkling like the skirt, I chose go with a simple stripe top to not complicate the look. Unfortunately I don't have pretty red hair like Ariel, so I substitute it with a pastel pink coat. It's nice to look lighthearted and colorful in the winter!

Ariel is willing to get a pair of legs with her voice, I would exchange my sunglasses with Ursula for a one day mermaid experience. I bet she would look really good with the cat-eye.

雖然在Black Friday並沒有機會大肆購物一番, 但我很幸運的挖到了幾樣深得我心的單品。想嘗試貓眼墨鏡一陣子了, 但都沒有挑到合適的。 這副Dior Demoiselle微微上揚卻不銳利的貓眼線條, 還蠻適合當貓眼入手款。水晶般的鏡架和優雅的配色讓整副太陽眼鏡精緻的有如藝術品一般, 偷偷告訴你們, 連眼鏡盒都很有質感哦! 這個貓眼look大家還喜歡嗎?

看部落格一陣子的人應該都知道裙子是我最愛的單品吧? 最近發現我對裙子的狂熱轉變成focus在鉛筆裙上, 光是這個Thanksgiving我就買了三條鉛筆裙啊! 我看到這條海藍色的亮片鉛筆裙時就馬上把它拿下展示架, 深怕被別人搶走。 帶點灰的海藍色猶如美人魚尾巴一般漂亮, 仔細看的話還能發現上面特別以海藍和透明兩種不同顏色的亮片點綴, 在燈光下閃爍搖曳, 真真是漂亮極了。因為裙子很耀眼, 就選擇了簡單的橫條紋上衣做搭配, 才不會顯得太花俏。最後配上淺粉色的大衣, 雖然沒有一頭美麗紅髮, 嫩粉色的陪襯也清新舒爽。冬天也可以穿的粉嫩清爽喲!

艾莉兒用美妙的聲音換取了人類的雙腿, 我想我願意用這副墨鏡跟烏蘇拉換取一天的人魚尾巴體驗遊。而且向烏蘇拉這樣的強勢女人超適合戴貓眼墨鏡的吧!

Thanks for reading :')

Full of Love,

Photographer: myk


Top by ZARA Men
Skirt by TOPSHOP
Sunglasses by Dior