A fun thing of writing blog is to witness process of sophistication in styling. Today's outfit is created with old items in my closet. People who have been reading my blog for a while might recognize the skirt and the top. Although I love shopping, not everyone has the wardrobe budget like Anna Wintour and has closet that's big enough to fit in 365 different outfits. Since most of us have limited budget and space, to recreate different outfits with same items can be very useful. There's a sense of fulfillment when I create new sparkle with old items!

我很喜歡用文字和圖片來記錄生活, 也是當初開始寫部落格的其中一個原因。看著自己的穿搭和文字隨著時間不斷成長是件很有趣的事。看melodramatic一段時間的讀者, 應該會發現今天的造型完全是運用舊單品來打造的。我很愛逛逛買買, 但不是每個人都有Anna Wintour的購物預算, 也不是每個人都有一個大到足以塞下365套不同衣服的衣櫃。所以, 學著利用既有的單品搭出各種不同造型可是非常實用的呢! 當習慣用A上衣搭配B下身的時候, 會變得容易侷限自己, 也比較害怕去嘗試不同的風格和搭配。但是有時候擺脫既有的搭配和想法, 反而能激盪出新的火花, 也會讓自己很有成就感呢!

Thanks for reading :')

Full of Love,

Photographer: myk