One school year has passed again. It gets me really sentimental lately. Leaving some people, some places, and somethings are never easy. Sometimes I wish that I don't have that much emotional attach with people, places, and things. Maybe it's because of my flooded emotions, I've been thinking a lot these days. What's good for me? Who's really there for me? What am I doing with my life? There are tons of questions to ask myself, but not all of them have an answer. However, there's one thing that I am sure of, I am not gonna live in regrets anymore.

Oh well, back to fashion. Maybe it's because of my gloomy mode, I prefer dark colors and pants more lately. Also, it's still pretty chilly here. A long but thin shirt is perfect for this kind of weather. I want to create a cool and edgy outfit with heavy metallic colors. And I choose white pearls and red heels to light up the outfit a bit, and to give the outfit a final soft touch. Finally, put on a pair of coolest shades and walk with attitude!

一個學年又這樣匆匆過去了。可能也因為是個離別的季節, 最近的我特別容易感傷。面對離別一直都不是我最拿手的課題。哭得唏哩嘩拉倒是其次, 而是害怕那種人潮散去面對相同景色的空虛感, 常常讓我莫名的恐慌。因為這樣的情緒, 也讓我想了好多。到底自己要的是什麼? 而什麼又是對自己最好的? 誰是真正關心我的人? 我的人生到底在幹嘛? 我有好多好多的疑問, 卻不是所有問題都能獲得解答。現在我唯一確定的是, 至少接下來的日子裡, 我不想再在回首過去之際, 徒留後悔。

好啦, 感性完了, 讓我聊聊時尚。有可能是最近的感傷情懷, 一向偏好亮色裙裝的我, 默默轉向了深色系和褲裝。而且這裡的天氣還是涼涼的, 薄透的長袖反而完美。今天想打造一種幹練摩登的感覺。以濃烈的金屬色為主, 配上白皙珍珠和豔紅高跟鞋的點綴。最後, 戴上自己最帥氣的墨鏡, 抬頭挺胸的走出自己的個性!

Thanks for reading :)


Shirt and Jeans both by DRESS CODE
Heels by Forever 21
Necklace by J. Crew
Sunglasses by Celine
Rings by H&M