What does summer remind you of? For me, summer is sunshine, beach, breeze, and floral print. I like this matching separates. It's cute with the ruffle details and is extremely comfortable to wear. Blue base with blossoming white daisy make me think of vast green land with white flowers. I say this is probably the littlest clothes I've ever worn in my life, haha. But I am glad I gave it a try. Although I was really shy at first, but I love how the photos came out. And I already have some different styling ideas for the top and bottom! Can't wait to try them out!

夏季讓你想起什麼呢? 對我來說, 是陽光, 海灘, 微風, 和印花。我很喜歡這套兩件式的小可愛跟短褲。有著可愛荷葉邊之餘, 穿起來也超舒服的。湛藍底色配上白色小雛菊讓我想到一望無際草原上的點點小白花。這是我目前穿過布料最少的衣服了, 男友不停的碎碎念之外, 我自己也覺得很害羞。其實這並不是我平常會選擇的服裝, 但是很開心我有大膽的嘗試了一下。最後出來的照片成果讓我很喜歡, 也有偷偷愛上這樣清涼的穿搭呢! 不過應該還是會遵照男友的命令把它打入冷宮的 (淚。只好來看看有沒有其他的搭配方式可以偷偷的再讓這些可愛的小雛菊綻放在陽光下囉! 這也算是一種陽奉陰違吧, 哈哈!

Thanks for reading :)


Pearl Bangle by ZARA
Rings by H&M
Shoes by Giuseppe Zanotti
Sunglasses by CÉLINE