I treated myself with a little getaway this weekend. It's nice to escape from all my worries and just clear my mind and chill.

I am obsessed with pastel colors this spring. The spring hues make everything seems so light-hearted. I searched for a pretty pink coat for months, and I found the perfect one within my mom's vintage treasures. The lilac and pink work well together. They give this outfit a soft touch, which I like a lot.

I got this pair of distressed jeans a couple weeks ago, and I was too fat to fit into it. I am glad I lost some weight so that I can finally wear this beauty. A right distressed jeans is the perfect choice to go with casual chic outfit. 

Are you stumped on what to wear today? Instead of reaching for the neutral colors, try some pastel this time!

 這週末我犒賞自己一個小假期。離開讓我有點窒息的地方, 暫時拋開煩惱, 到處走走逛逛。我很喜歡這樣的getaway, 簡單的小旅行卻能讓身心都再一次感到充實。

不知道大家有沒有發現, 這個春天我很著迷於粉嫩的鉛筆色。柔嫩的色彩可以點亮整個人, 看起來活力清爽。為了找到一件完美的粉大衣, 我尋尋覓覓了好久, 卻在我媽媽的古董寶貝裡找著了。有種眾里尋她千百度, 那人卻在燈火闌珊處的感覺。我很喜歡紫羅蘭跟粉的溫柔感。

幾個禮拜之前購入的破損牛仔褲, 因為當時發胖了塞不進去所以一直沒有亮相。很開心現在終於瘦下來了, 終於體會到女人為了時尚可以犧牲多少, 哈哈哈! 很喜歡這條丹寧適度的破損所帶來的隨性感。

你今天不知道該穿什麼嗎? 不如用粉嫩的春天色來取代以往的黑白灰吧!

Thanks for reading :')


Photographer: myk

Bag and Coat from Mom
Sweater and Necklace by J. Crew
Shoes by ZARA